How do you make decisions? I mean big decisions, not the decision to buy or not buy the shoes in every color - no decision there!!
R and I are contemplating a major decision and I am between the proverbial rock and a hard place. There are wonderful pros on both sides, there is one glaring negative on each side. Does that make sense?
No I know not making sense, so let's start over. Both of my daughters live in North Carolina, R and I live in KY. While we have my sister and brother and their families, our church families live in the same city, they're not my girls. We're very close to our church friends they are more like family than friends. Both R and I have individual Bible Studies that we love and look forward too along with a couples Study with dear dear friends.
So what is the decision? I would like to be closer to my girls and their husbands, to be close enough for weekly dinners, to help when needed. To one day be a grandparent. Lately it has been my dream to be the kind of gram that is involved in the child's life and help when we can.
Also, now that my health has dramatically improved I have been yearning for a small yard. A chance to play in the dirt, plant pansies in the fall and watch their happy faces.
That means selling the condo in KY and buying something in NC.
There are lots of what ifs
what if daughters move for employment reasons at some point in the future and we won't be close; do we move again? Is this a wrong reason to move in the first place?
what if we can't find the Church family we feel good to be in
what if we can't get the price for the condo due to this current market
Am I over thinking this?
what if what if what if
What to do? We have been praying for God to guide us, to show us what He wants. God leads us where He wants us to be. We just need to be quiet and listen.
What I believe
I believe in God, my Father, my Almighty, the Ancient of Days. I believe in Genesis 1:1. I believe that everything is possible with Him through Him. I believe He has marked me as His. I believe that all my sins melted off with the grace of forgiveness when I was baptized as an adult. I believe my life began anew that day as the sins of my past were washed away.
I believe in Jesus Christ the only son of the Father. I believe Jesus left the majesty and glory of Heaven to suffer the indignity of humanness. I believe Jesus suffered for my sins and through his death I am forgiven. I believe that Jesus conquered death and evil by rising from the dead. I believe the Shroud of Turin is real.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, my guide, God who dwells within me, who gives me strength and now leads and teaches me.
I believe in forgiveness of sins, that all life is precious regardless of quality, intellect, age or wholeness. I believe that everyone and everything has a divine purpose, I believe in the sanctity of life at any age. I believe that God condemns those who take advantage of the poor. I believe that I cannot divorce my religion from my relationships. I believe true religion should result in righteous acts. I believe that God requires not only personal righteousness but also social responsibility. I believe in anonymous acts.
I believe that the Bible is true and God breathed, II Timothy 3:16. I believe that God will come again to judge all mankind. I believe in salvation, forgiveness of sins and life ever lasting.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Who Knew
My daughter and son-in-law had an unwanted chicken coop in the backyard of their new home. No chickens just the coop, the pen and an old door.
It looked like this
and this

Not really the look they wanted for their outdoor environment. Not me So what to do? Craigslist to the rescue. I placed an add at 3:30 and immediately I had emails. Not just one or two but 12!!! It sold the next morning with over 17 inquiries. I had emails asking specific questions about the coup, beyond the normal questions of size and age, I was asked what type of chickens, how many chickens could it hold, who knew?
OK we all know I am a city girl, but who knew it would go that fast.
The question is . . . did I under price it or is there that much demand for chicken coops?
It looked like this
Not really the look they wanted for their outdoor environment. Not me So what to do? Craigslist to the rescue. I placed an add at 3:30 and immediately I had emails. Not just one or two but 12!!! It sold the next morning with over 17 inquiries. I had emails asking specific questions about the coup, beyond the normal questions of size and age, I was asked what type of chickens, how many chickens could it hold, who knew?
OK we all know I am a city girl, but who knew it would go that fast.
The question is . . . did I under price it or is there that much demand for chicken coops?
Monday, February 21, 2011
I'm Doing the Best that I can
His mom is 91, suffering from chronic COPD. She calls her lungs greedy, they steal from the rest of her tiny body. She weighs in twice a day, monitoring her body's needs as she monitors the barometric pressure. The higher the pressure the harder she struggles to breathe. She holds her oxygen tubing in her capable hands making it seem more like an exotic string of pearls than her life line. She holds it, twists it and I think of Loretta Young.
She battles bladder cancer and has astonished the docs with her outlook and perspective. She tells them in her quiet southern voice that chemotherapy is not the best option for her but she thanks them just the same. They don't get it or her . . . really . . .if they were honest. They always ask her how she is doing and she always answers "I'm doing the best I can" and for her that's enough.
Would that ever be enough for me? Could I ever be that gracious?
She battles bladder cancer and has astonished the docs with her outlook and perspective. She tells them in her quiet southern voice that chemotherapy is not the best option for her but she thanks them just the same. They don't get it or her . . . really . . .if they were honest. They always ask her how she is doing and she always answers "I'm doing the best I can" and for her that's enough.
Would that ever be enough for me? Could I ever be that gracious?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Do you have one afternoon?
Do you have one afternoon to read a truly amazing little book? I strongly suggest you take the time to read Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo.
I love this book and wish I could buy a couple dozen to hand out to folks who are skeptical about there faith, about what happens after this life. It is or has been # 1 on the New York Times Bestseller. This is a little boys astounding story of his trip to Heaven and back, it will fill you with wonder, you will laugh and cry at the same time. Please get it an read it.
I love this book and wish I could buy a couple dozen to hand out to folks who are skeptical about there faith, about what happens after this life. It is or has been # 1 on the New York Times Bestseller. This is a little boys astounding story of his trip to Heaven and back, it will fill you with wonder, you will laugh and cry at the same time. Please get it an read it.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Heading to North Carolina and Taking Spring with US
We are heading to South Carolina for a show and stopping to see both daughters in North Carolina. Younger daughter wanted a Spring wreath for her front door. She asked for white and yellow with green. So off to Michael's, would you believe they had baskets of yellow and white bunches for $1.00 each? I lucked into that. Yellow Ribbon will be added when we get there. 
Saturday, February 12, 2011
He Makes Me To Lie Down
My Journey
I sleep and sleep often. There are days I sleep 20 hours out of 24 getting up only when "R" wakes me to drink or wraps his arms around me and walks me to the bathroom. It takes effort to hold my head up. My arms feel weighted. My mind is so fuzzy so deep in a fog I make no sense when speaking.
For 3 years I have dealt with this, no one other than "R" understands, I get platitudes from my daughters, my sister and brother. Employer fired me, girl friends at Bible study commiserate but don't understand. Doctor has no clue because all blood work comes back "normal". What is it, why do I feel like I am dieing and no body understands? No body gets it.
My life has changed to the point that I never take for granted not needing a nap. Good health is a blessing that God has given many. Those same people take that health for granted.
It was the weekend before Thanksgiving while at my sister's house with the whole family that I felt a crash descending upon me. Making quick good byes before dessert, trying to get home before I can't stand up, before my head falls on my chest and I can't make it up the stair. I am in such a rush so focused that I don't notice families reactions. Sister is a nurse, she observes, takes notice of my condition, my abilities and inabilities. She sees the body changing, the slurred speech my head hanging. We get home, R helps me up the stairs, slowly, one. at. a. time, painstakingly slow. The bedroom, my bed seems so far away. Making it there, I strip leaving clothes on the floor, crawling into bed and feeling the cool sheets.
I cannot say that what happens next is sleep, it is deeper than that. This state is not refreshing, I don't wake reinvigorated. My eyes open, I wait, listen and my eyes close again and I slip back in to this state.
Sister calls to check on me, relates what she saw and what she researched on the net. My instructions were to call the Doc. God bless my doctor, he listened and admitted he was stumped. I asked for a 60 trial of DHEA from the Compounding Pharmacy. Doc actually talks to the Compounding Pharmacist and agrees to this trial. I take 2, 5mg in the morning, and 1, 5mg in the late afternoon.
For the first time in 3 years I feel hope, the possibility of a diagnosis. I don't care about a cure, just a name for this whatever it is I am feeling. I ask friends to pray for a diagnosis.
Our God is an awesome God, we have a name.
Now I learn to live with Addison's disease.
I sleep and sleep often. There are days I sleep 20 hours out of 24 getting up only when "R" wakes me to drink or wraps his arms around me and walks me to the bathroom. It takes effort to hold my head up. My arms feel weighted. My mind is so fuzzy so deep in a fog I make no sense when speaking.
For 3 years I have dealt with this, no one other than "R" understands, I get platitudes from my daughters, my sister and brother. Employer fired me, girl friends at Bible study commiserate but don't understand. Doctor has no clue because all blood work comes back "normal". What is it, why do I feel like I am dieing and no body understands? No body gets it.
My life has changed to the point that I never take for granted not needing a nap. Good health is a blessing that God has given many. Those same people take that health for granted.
It was the weekend before Thanksgiving while at my sister's house with the whole family that I felt a crash descending upon me. Making quick good byes before dessert, trying to get home before I can't stand up, before my head falls on my chest and I can't make it up the stair. I am in such a rush so focused that I don't notice families reactions. Sister is a nurse, she observes, takes notice of my condition, my abilities and inabilities. She sees the body changing, the slurred speech my head hanging. We get home, R helps me up the stairs, slowly, one. at. a. time, painstakingly slow. The bedroom, my bed seems so far away. Making it there, I strip leaving clothes on the floor, crawling into bed and feeling the cool sheets.
I cannot say that what happens next is sleep, it is deeper than that. This state is not refreshing, I don't wake reinvigorated. My eyes open, I wait, listen and my eyes close again and I slip back in to this state.
Sister calls to check on me, relates what she saw and what she researched on the net. My instructions were to call the Doc. God bless my doctor, he listened and admitted he was stumped. I asked for a 60 trial of DHEA from the Compounding Pharmacy. Doc actually talks to the Compounding Pharmacist and agrees to this trial. I take 2, 5mg in the morning, and 1, 5mg in the late afternoon.
For the first time in 3 years I feel hope, the possibility of a diagnosis. I don't care about a cure, just a name for this whatever it is I am feeling. I ask friends to pray for a diagnosis.
Our God is an awesome God, we have a name.
Now I learn to live with Addison's disease.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Honey it's Cold outside
It is freezing here literally it is freezing here, 11 degrees - too cold to do anything but stay huddled in an afghan by a fire with a cup of hot tea. But today is Thursday, that means my lady's Bible study. So off I go, but I will leave you with a thought for the day.
"I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming
conviction that I had nowhere to go. My own wisdom, and that of
all about me, seemed insufficient for the day."
Abraham Lincoln
"I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming
conviction that I had nowhere to go. My own wisdom, and that of
all about me, seemed insufficient for the day."
Abraham Lincoln
Monday, February 7, 2011
Do you do this?
How do you remember loved ones that have died? I am not sure when it started but for at least 5 years now, I have a memorial candle burning in my house on the day significant people in my life passed away. I leave this candle burning for 24 hours, (yes I put it somewhere safe during the night, so the boys don't knock it over). To many I suppose it sounds morbid or strange but for me, it is a tangible and prayerful reminder of that person. Today is for my father who died February 7, 2003, just 27 days after my husband. Because so much happened at that time I find this ritual comforting. It also reminds me of the beautiful stand of red votive candles twinkling in the sanctuary of the Catholic Church I grew up in.
A Devotional for Each Day
I am constantly striving to strengthen my relationship with God. This is new for me, growing up Catholic the thought of having a one on one relationship with God was not something taught or discussed. However as an adult Christian I crave that relationship. He leads me to a better life, a life focused on
It is not always the easiest thing to do , I get interrupted, delayed and deterred, but I continue to persevere. At this time I am reading between two devotionals, Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado and Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, I am also reading He chose the Nails also by Lucado.
The theme of today's devotional is doing what is right. It is amazing when I think about because it would seem to be an easy thing to do, but all to often something gets in the way. I truly believe that the harder we try to focus our desire and attention to God and to His good works, the evil one attempts to derail us. How many times have we been running late to Bible study and the thought comes in to our minds to skip the study rather than walk in late? Or we over sleep and decide to skip Church rather than going to the later service? Or someone says something we disagree with and rather than being gracious, we argue?
If we believe that God lives within us, then doing what is right becomes easier. It is easier to tell Evil to get behind me. It is easier to make the right decisions, go to the better choice of movies, environments and be with people that share like ideas.
Understanding that God resides in me and my house lightens my burdens, through Him I am blessed and through His grace I am capable of standing firm in the face of evil.
It is not always the easiest thing to do , I get interrupted, delayed and deterred, but I continue to persevere. At this time I am reading between two devotionals, Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado and Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, I am also reading He chose the Nails also by Lucado.
The theme of today's devotional is doing what is right. It is amazing when I think about because it would seem to be an easy thing to do, but all to often something gets in the way. I truly believe that the harder we try to focus our desire and attention to God and to His good works, the evil one attempts to derail us. How many times have we been running late to Bible study and the thought comes in to our minds to skip the study rather than walk in late? Or we over sleep and decide to skip Church rather than going to the later service? Or someone says something we disagree with and rather than being gracious, we argue?
If we believe that God lives within us, then doing what is right becomes easier. It is easier to tell Evil to get behind me. It is easier to make the right decisions, go to the better choice of movies, environments and be with people that share like ideas.
Understanding that God resides in me and my house lightens my burdens, through Him I am blessed and through His grace I am capable of standing firm in the face of evil.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Project - Stairs Phase 1 Demolition
I have been in the condo for three years and have hated the carpet on the stairs the entire time. But like many things it was a ways down on the list of priorities for remake & remodel. My motivation to make changes came today from out in blogland. I was searching for new blogs and new ideas when I stumbled across Diane at With that one look my imagination was off and running. I could do this, right?
I will post on my/our progress over the next few days. But first here is a the before (I remembered to take the before). Total count is 17 stairs with icky Berber carpet that has seen better days. Seeing how Diane's stairs turned out - we jumped right in ripping up the carpet and pad and then we saw this. The treads were MDF ick and the risers were pine, which i
s what we hoped the treads would have been. We pulled up all the tack strips and the hundreds of staples, swept and cleaned the are. Now we will decide if we need to replace the treads or continue with my original plan. This was supposed to be a low cost project.
We did get some advise during the demo phase of the project. Painting should be fun with 3 guys to keep off the stairs.
Phase II tomorrow
I will post on my/our progress over the next few days. But first here is a the before (I remembered to take the before). Total count is 17 stairs with icky Berber carpet that has seen better days. Seeing how Diane's stairs turned out - we jumped right in ripping up the carpet and pad and then we saw this. The treads were MDF ick and the risers were pine, which i
We did get some advise during the demo phase of the project. Painting should be fun with 3 guys to keep off the stairs.
Phase II tomorrow
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
For the Bird
We make a quick trip to Arkansas to visit R's mommy, at 91 she is a really an amazing woman. I love these trips for a variety of reason, particularly because we have settled into a pattern that is comfortable for both of us. R drives (it's a control thing), I knit and watch the surrounding countryside while we listen to audio books. This trip is was The First Family by David Baldacci. I highly recommend this book if you love a plot with twists and turns, multiple plots and have 14.5 hours! When we arrived home on Saturday we had 3 CD's to go! Since we were not at a stopping point we actually drove around town listening until we came to a place where we could momentarily end that listening session.
An interesting thing happened when we were about 2 hours from Jonesboro, Arkansas. R yelled "Did you see that" made a fast U turn that cau
sed several dropped stitches grrrrr, another U turn to get us pointed in the right direction and pulling along the side of the road R pointed to this.
WOW He was a beauty. Not sure of what species he was but he was certainly amazing. At his feet was his dinner, hmmmmm opossum, not quite five star but he seemed to be enjoying it.
I have edited the photos for posting, some are not for the squeamish but if you dare check out his talons. I think we sat for about 30 minutes watching, whispering and snapping a zillion photos.
I posted on FB and asked what he might be, do you have thoughts? Here is a closer look.
This fella was totally nonplussed by two crazy folks in a car watching him from less that 10 feet away. At one point he was ready for his profile shot. At the advise of a friend I sent several photos to the Carolina Raptor Center and requested help identifying him. The Answer, an immature Red Tailed Hawk. if you look closely you can see the beginning of banded tail feathers which will redden as he matures.
Hope you enjoyed him as much as we did.
An interesting thing happened when we were about 2 hours from Jonesboro, Arkansas. R yelled "Did you see that" made a fast U turn that cau
WOW He was a beauty. Not sure of what species he was but he was certainly amazing. At his feet was his dinner, hmmmmm opossum, not quite five star but he seemed to be enjoying it.
I have edited the photos for posting, some are not for the squeamish but if you dare check out his talons. I think we sat for about 30 minutes watching, whispering and snapping a zillion photos.
I posted on FB and asked what he might be, do you have thoughts? Here is a closer look.
Hope you enjoyed him as much as we did.
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