What I believe

I believe in God, my Father, my Almighty, the Ancient of Days. I believe in Genesis 1:1. I believe that everything is possible with Him through Him. I believe He has marked me as His. I believe that all my sins melted off with the grace of forgiveness when I was baptized as an adult. I believe my life began anew that day as the sins of my past were washed away.

I believe in Jesus Christ the only son of the Father. I believe Jesus left the majesty and glory of Heaven to suffer the indignity of humanness. I believe Jesus suffered for my sins and through his death I am forgiven. I believe that Jesus conquered death and evil by rising from the dead. I believe the Shroud of Turin is real.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, my guide, God who dwells within me, who gives me strength and now leads and teaches me.

I believe in forgiveness of sins, that all life is precious regardless of quality, intellect, age or wholeness. I believe that everyone and everything has a divine purpose, I believe in the sanctity of life at any age. I believe that God condemns those who take advantage of the poor. I believe that I cannot divorce my religion from my relationships. I believe true religion should result in righteous acts. I believe that God requires not only personal righteousness but also social responsibility. I believe in anonymous acts.

I believe that the Bible is true and God breathed, II Timothy 3:16. I believe that God will come again to judge all mankind. I believe in salvation, forgiveness of sins and life ever lasting.

Friday, January 21, 2011

What do you love?

I am not talking people or family or vocations. I am talking things, stuff, material goods. Well I've found one of the things I love and that's china. No not the country, I love dishes. Fine china, bone china, ahh now you've got it.

While perusing Craigslist one day I found this FULL SET EMBOSSED WEDGWOOD QUEENS WARE ohhh Wedgwood, I have a special love for Wedgwood china, guess it is the Irish in me, soooo what is a chinaholic to do. . . I immediately checked out Replacements.com. to get the scoop on this pattern. What I found is the pattern is called Queensware or Cream Ware, it is simple and elegant. There are several versions of the Cream ware, all ivory based with a raised or embossed floral boarder which comes in a variety of colors ranging from violet, rose, blue and pale green. This specific pattern is ivory on ivory. Oh I could see this on my table. Yup you guessed it, It's mine . . . all . . mine.

I brought this home in one huge box and I couldn't help but feel like a kid in a candy store as I slowly began to delve into a box load of peanuts, plastic bubble wrap and tape. I can't tell you want I love about dishes, maybe it's changing out the china cabinet or having different table settings each time we entertain. Who knows but I certainly have the bug.
In the excitement of unpacking I was blessing the soul who packed these goodies.
The simplicity of this pattern will be perfect to add other pattens to create wonderful tablescapes. There were some knicks and chips but I knew that before I purchased the set. Before buying I check the cost of replacing pieces on Ebay and Replacements. In order to make the leap and purchase unseen I had to know the cost of replacement or supplementing the set in order to have a complete service.

I just love this lil beauty. I will set a table to completely show the beauty of this china. But for now I leave you with a question, What is your passion?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pets Friends Companions What?

I love animals and for my adult years have always had cats, specifically black cats.  I really don't know why I love black cats but to me they seem more grateful.  I have a sense that they know they are disliked, feared and to some even hated but to me they have a huge capacity for affection.

Right now  I have 3 black cats, Angus is my gentleman, at 15 he is the king of the house.  He sits in that classic cat pose sitting straight up, front paws together and tail wrapped around his paws. Bless his heart I have seen him fall asleep in this pose. When his head drops suddenly as he falls asleep, I avert my eyes sparing his dignity.

Next I have Joe Lewis, a fitting name as Joe is a fighter. Actually Joe is insecure and feels the need to come out fighting. When he was first adopted he was a recluse, today, 6 months later he comes around at dinner time and he has lost his commando belly to the ground walk.  When I walk in to a room he doesn't run for his life he is content to watch my movements.

The littlest guy is Winston, he was born to a no kill shelter where he lived for 3 years until I brought him home.  Winston is tiny, about the size of a 8 month kitten, he has terrible front teeth which results in his tongue sliding out of his mouth  when he is asleep.   Winston is extremely affectionate often sleeping beside me while I am on the sofa knitting or with his head on my pillow during the night. He follows me throughout the house, content to sit or stand while I do whatever chore needs to be done.

I love all three each for their own specific qualities and characteristics.  I will post photos when I get a replacement cord for my camera.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Do You Have a Friend You Have Never Met?

It is a strange feeling having a friend I have never met,  but that is just the way I feel.  Edie of Life {in} Grace has been constantly  on my mind since I first read about her family surviving a tragic house fire over a week ago. All the blogs that I have read have a common thread,  the same sentiment  of "I can't believe it"  or "I don't know what I would do in her predicament".

A fire that destroys her family'  home and belongings and what we read first is that she is thankful her husband, children and pets escape. Would that be my first thought, my first reaction?  Where does such strength come from?  I know with a certainty that it comes from our Father God.  He gives us all an inner strength to endure or overcome what seems like insurmountable trials. The key is to rely on Him to seek Him out in these times and relinquish our need to control.  We should all be like Daniel, turning to God in prayer throughout the day in every situation believing that He will see us through our personal firey furnaces.  

I believe we all have trials in our life, not as a test so much but as a chance to grow both spiritually and intellectually. Sometimes we may feel like Job and wonder why is God doing this to me?  But if God could give His only son to us so that we might live; can we not withstand Earthly tragedy?

That is the strength that I see in Edie, a friend I have never met. I see a faith in her Savior that will sustain her. I see a mother gathering her children to her rejoicing in their rescue.  I see a woman who is loved and cherished by family, loved by a community of friends both neighbors and blogging buddies.
Edie and her family will survive this and like the mythical Phoenix they will rise from the ashes renewed, encouraged and with a stronger faith in our Redeemer and perspective on life and material things that we could all learn from.   

Edie, my friend I pray that your strength will be renewed each morning and that your faith continues to sustain you in this dark time.